A generation will be consumed with jealousy for the glory of God in the same way that He is jealous for His own name. How do I know that? John 17:24,26 “Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory because you loved me before the foundation of the world… I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them…” Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father doing. That means that the image of the invisible God was being fully manifested in the one Man, Jesus Christ. If the fully incarnate God in the flesh asks for something do you think that He will not be answered in His request?

The Father of Light is burning with a jealous desire for His son to be exalted in the earth. Jesus will have this prayer answered in a Bride that is equally yoked with Him. They will love Him with all of their Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength because He first loved them with all of His Heart, His Soul, His Mind and His Strength. Throughout the earth the Holy Spirit is pouring out the love of God into the hearts of His Bride to love Jesus the way the Father loves Jesus. This is profound… How much does the Father love His Son? If we find that answer, we find where all this is going and what is burning on the Holy Spirit’s heart for the earth.

So what does this look like? I don’t have that full answer but here are some thoughts… This is a people that are consumed with a desire to exalt Jesus Christ above every other action and mindset. Not their ministry, not their reputation, not their own agenda… This is a people who will go to the ends of the earth to preach another King. These are lovesick worshipers who will not love their lives unto death but will live as image bearers so deeply reflecting the desire of the nations that they become the very thing that the nations desire. These are Ambassadors of Christ, burning and shining lamps that direct every tribe, tongue, and nation to something of another age. They are the compass’ that points to the source: eternity in a city whose architect and builder is God who will forever dwell with His Beloved Sons and Daughters in flawless paradise and glory.

These are not a people who sign up for a missions trip, these are Ones who manifest Christ in them, the Hope of Glory. This is a Holy possession, a radical consummation of a people who are crucified with Christ, the life they now live is Christ in them who loved them and gave Himself up for them. This is righteousness by faith, not by works so that no one may boast. This is the Kingdom of God not in talk but in power. These are ones who not only teach with words but come in the authority of the Kingdom with signs, wonders, and miracles. The weapons of their warfare in Christ that are mighty for pulling down of strongholds and every mindset that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

Their cry: whether by life or by death Christ be magnified in my body. Why? This is because they will eat, live, breath, think and love like the One who loves them. This is because while they were still sinners, Christ died for them. In their pursuit of God, they are simply responding to the jealousy of the Bridegroom towards them All that will matter is that the lamb would receive the reward of His suffering. Every heartbeat will be that of… magnify Him… Glorify Him… Ascribe to the Lord the Glory due His name…

This generation to come will do anything and/or nothing as long as every facet of their being is used to advance the Kingdom of God. Do we know where we are going? Do you have a vision of the Holy Possession that the Bride is being conformed into? Can you hear the sound of the armies of the living God being gathered from the four corners of the earth? My call and my obsession: To know Him and to make Him known. Therefore I stand, I breathe, I prophecy… (Ezekiel 37)

People get ready… Jesus is Coming!!!

Matthew 9:35-38

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and affliction. When He saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

This verse has been the driving factor behind what I have been doing the last few years of my life. Giving the most profitable years of a young man’s life over to weakness in prayer and fasting doesn’t make sense in the natural. These verses lay out profound truths that I believe the majority of the western church today has little or no living understanding of these realities that Jesus speaks on and ultimatly embodies. Noone would disagree with the need for prayer but when it translates into “How then are you living based upon that revelation?” we find that very few actually respond to the words of our Lord.

The harvest right now is ready but very few can actually reap it… Milions of souls are in the valley of desicion, longing for a voice to make sense of the economic collapse and the chaos that is occuring on the earth right now. In these verses we see the people of the earth ready to hear what God is saying but there are few that have been entrusted with the Gospel that actually bring the multitudes into encounter with Jesus and bring them from death into life. We have seen ministries come and go but the statistics are that the generation that is born after 1984 only 4% have regular church engagement. That means in America on 4% that are under the age of 25 are actually attending church, of those how many are actually carrying a life that is free from the pollution of this world and able to bring the transformational message of Christ to a dying world? Can we shift entire cultures and socities with the gospel considering the current status of believers that our churches are producing?

What is out country going to look like in the next 20 years when the ones leading the country have been those that have grown up off of our present day media? We are being taught things through the entertainment industry of movies, video games, pornography, music, etc. that are in direct opposition to the ways of righteousness, truth, and justice which is what this country is founded upon…

What is the answer? Is it God’s fault? Is He too small so save us? Would it make more sense that we have a different God than that of the bible or that we actually aren’t living according to the ways of that God and so lost our witness as the Hope to a lost and dying world? We have been trying to answer America’s wounds with evangelism, with fund raising, with discipleship groups… There are so many ideas and so many new movements but where is the shift in this nation? Jesus states in these passages in Matthew “Therefore, PRAY”. Why didn’t he say that His house would be a house of evangelism, or preaching, or any other list of good things that we have? (Luke 19:46) We need these realities in the church but I have found through inquiring of different bodies of believers that prayer is a side effort near the bottom of the list if it is even on the list at all…

I believe that we need laborers in this hour. I believe that we need a deliverer like Moses who would lead this nation out of slavery into the promises of God that we once adhered to. I don’t know what strength I have in me, but I am groaning and laboring in intercession that we would have a voice in this nation that would be so undeniable that the unbelievers and believers alike would know that a prophet has been in their midst. (Ezekiel 2:5) A prophet that is set over nations and kingdoms to uproot and to tear down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant. (Jeremiah 1:10) One that would represent a King that is above all Kings, who would represent a government that will one day be established throughout the whole earth, of which whose dominion will never end. (Daniel 7:26-27)

I am at the point that I could care less whether it is me or someone else but that He would just do it. Whatever role I can play in the turning of this nation I know that I would gladly give my life in order that the purposes of God would be realized within America. Much of this desire is because I love this nation, but more than that I want to pour out my soul for the glory of God. This nation bears the name of a christian nation. I fully realize that what we have once been is not what we are becoming but I believe that there are rightoues men and women in this nation and we are to an extent representing to the rest of the world what it means to be christian. I would die for this One that I love so much to be glorified and to recieve the praise that He is worthy of, but as I see it right now, what He is recieving from America is the proclamation of a dream that over the decades has been turning into a nightmare.

I believe that God’s word is inerrant and He is true when He speaks that His arm is not too short to save. (Isaiah 59:1) The God that turned the world upside down in the Apostle Paul’s day is the same God that I speak to on a daily basis and so I know there is hope for us in this hour of history. However, we must respond… Not in more activities or church events, but we must pray and seek the face of God so as to turn from our wicked ways. It is a time to recieve the compassion that Jesus felt on the helpless crowds in order to recieve the burden of prayer that would release true harvesters of souls. If the Apostolic Witness came forth again as it was in the book of Acts, I believe that we could truly have one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all once again.

Awaiting His return,


Still figuring out the kinks, will be back soon!

John 17:13

"I am coming to you now... So that they may have the full measure of my joy within them."